Todays writer: Shannon
So yes, sometimes I think have more ADD than Klemm does and have major problems being on the computer for more than 2 minutes at a time, but here we go. After having to skip Bangkok, we made it up north to Chiang Mai which is an awesome city full of monks ( i'm completely obsessed with them and feel no shame in stalking them.) There are a ton of temples here (with monks) and the city just has a really chilled out vibe. Our first night there we were of course dropped off in the middle of the night market with r massive bags. Below is a picture of Klemm being THAT girl in the market. Luckily, we were in Chiang Mai long enough to be able to get to these markets again and actually enjoy them. they are REEEEEdiculous.

I also decided to do a cooking class one of the first days in Chiang Mai because the food in Thailand is sick as hell. And if you're wondering, yes I'm now the head chef at Thai muy noc. Come and visit!

One of the days we were there, we randomly decided to go and zip-line. Pretty sure I'm afraid of heights so my legs were shaking for about the first 10 minutes, but our guides were awesome and it was sweet as hek. Klemm on the otherhand was not nervous at all and pretty much laughing at the fact that my legs would not stop shaking. It was awesome though and made both of us want to become zip-line instructors. Even though I'd be the instructor with the shaking legs, I still think people would feel quite safe with their lives in my hands.

From Chiang Mai, we headed to Pai which is a lil hippie town in the mountains and soooo beautiful. As we were getting on the mini-bus to head there, the first thing the driver says is to take motion sickness pills if we have any. great. just what i want to hear before a 4 hour bus ride. so of course i start freaking out and decide i better take something. Klemm of course decides she's too cool for school and doesn't take one. Guess who got sick? Klemmball. Sucker. :) a picture of her with her head out the window trying to get some fresh air....

In Pai, they had some more awesome night markets we checked out and also rented a motorbike for one of the days we were there. We also decided it was finally time to ride an elephant..the moment we've all been waiting for. We were super excited, so took our bike to one of the elephant trekking places. Now let me first say, I've always dreamt of riding an elephant (ok maybe just in my dreams while in asia but whatever) but it seems my dreams were wayyyyy wrong. So they gave us the choice to go in the river with the elephant or just through the jungle, and of course we chose the river. I mean,who wouldn't? Let's just say we had absolutely NO CLUE, and i mean NO CLUE, what we were getting ourselves into. Basically, we get on this massive massive animal and start heading towards the river, already hanging on for dear life. Both Klemm and I were already freaking out and decided we didnt really want to go in the river nemore. Our Thai guides thought this was hilarious and wouldnt let us back out. So into the dirtiest, brownest river we go. Of course, once we get in, the elephant decides to take a crap and we see it float down the river right in front of us. awesome. now we're even more excited. A second later, the Thai guides are giving the elephant commands (of course in thai so we have no clue what's happening) and before we know it, we're in the river, completely drenched. This elephant was tossing us off like it was its freaking job! We were seriously getting thrown off this thing like crazy. Luckily we didnt get trampled on or sit on. That would have sucked. We each pretty much got tossed off the beast about 3 times until we realized what the hell was going on and we were done. Klemm was also super happy she decided to wear her white shorts for this big event. Basically, if you ever decide to ride an elephant in a river, goood luck, have fun and ur crazy!

After Pai we headed back to Chiang Mai since our visa was about to expire. Our month in Thailand was amazing, but not nearly enough time. One day we'll back, but until then... off to Laos!
So yes, sometimes I think have more ADD than Klemm does and have major problems being on the computer for more than 2 minutes at a time, but here we go. After having to skip Bangkok, we made it up north to Chiang Mai which is an awesome city full of monks ( i'm completely obsessed with them and feel no shame in stalking them.) There are a ton of temples here (with monks) and the city just has a really chilled out vibe. Our first night there we were of course dropped off in the middle of the night market with r massive bags. Below is a picture of Klemm being THAT girl in the market. Luckily, we were in Chiang Mai long enough to be able to get to these markets again and actually enjoy them. they are REEEEEdiculous.

I also decided to do a cooking class one of the first days in Chiang Mai because the food in Thailand is sick as hell. And if you're wondering, yes I'm now the head chef at Thai muy noc. Come and visit!

One of the days we were there, we randomly decided to go and zip-line. Pretty sure I'm afraid of heights so my legs were shaking for about the first 10 minutes, but our guides were awesome and it was sweet as hek. Klemm on the otherhand was not nervous at all and pretty much laughing at the fact that my legs would not stop shaking. It was awesome though and made both of us want to become zip-line instructors. Even though I'd be the instructor with the shaking legs, I still think people would feel quite safe with their lives in my hands.

From Chiang Mai, we headed to Pai which is a lil hippie town in the mountains and soooo beautiful. As we were getting on the mini-bus to head there, the first thing the driver says is to take motion sickness pills if we have any. great. just what i want to hear before a 4 hour bus ride. so of course i start freaking out and decide i better take something. Klemm of course decides she's too cool for school and doesn't take one. Guess who got sick? Klemmball. Sucker. :) a picture of her with her head out the window trying to get some fresh air....

In Pai, they had some more awesome night markets we checked out and also rented a motorbike for one of the days we were there. We also decided it was finally time to ride an elephant..the moment we've all been waiting for. We were super excited, so took our bike to one of the elephant trekking places. Now let me first say, I've always dreamt of riding an elephant (ok maybe just in my dreams while in asia but whatever) but it seems my dreams were wayyyyy wrong. So they gave us the choice to go in the river with the elephant or just through the jungle, and of course we chose the river. I mean,who wouldn't? Let's just say we had absolutely NO CLUE, and i mean NO CLUE, what we were getting ourselves into. Basically, we get on this massive massive animal and start heading towards the river, already hanging on for dear life. Both Klemm and I were already freaking out and decided we didnt really want to go in the river nemore. Our Thai guides thought this was hilarious and wouldnt let us back out. So into the dirtiest, brownest river we go. Of course, once we get in, the elephant decides to take a crap and we see it float down the river right in front of us. awesome. now we're even more excited. A second later, the Thai guides are giving the elephant commands (of course in thai so we have no clue what's happening) and before we know it, we're in the river, completely drenched. This elephant was tossing us off like it was its freaking job! We were seriously getting thrown off this thing like crazy. Luckily we didnt get trampled on or sit on. That would have sucked. We each pretty much got tossed off the beast about 3 times until we realized what the hell was going on and we were done. Klemm was also super happy she decided to wear her white shorts for this big event. Basically, if you ever decide to ride an elephant in a river, goood luck, have fun and ur crazy!

After Pai we headed back to Chiang Mai since our visa was about to expire. Our month in Thailand was amazing, but not nearly enough time. One day we'll back, but until then... off to Laos!
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